Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm Famous!

I'M FAMOUS!!!  Well . . .that may be a bit of an exaggeration. . .ummm. . .I feel famous?!?!  Yes. . .that's better!
What I mean is I opened my mailbox and lo and behold, my face was on a postcard that went to all my neighbors in Victoria Park.  Let's do some math, of the 200+ homes in VP, let's guess that maybe 100 of them actually glance through all the mail they receive instead of just tossing it right in the recycle bin.  Of that 100, let's say that 50 of them actually stopped for even the briefest second to look at my postcard.  Wait, I'm not feeling so famous any longer. . .let's stop doing the math and just focus on the fact that my postcard went out, with my face on it to all my neighbors.  Done!  I like that feeling so much better!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Only in Naples

Only in Naples can you go from playing in the snow on 3rd Street on Wednesday night to the beach and sand sculptures on Thursday. 

Some days I feel sorry for my kids because they love the snow and don't get to grow up with it. Whenever we visit any place that has snow, they spend the entire time outside, even if it is the gross, brown left over snow on the side of the street that isn't hit by sun so it hasn't melted and is more like ice than snow!   But I get over feeling bad pretty quickly. . .because, really. . .what is there to feel sorry for?  We live in paradise!  Every year thousands of people spend insane amounts of money to come here and get away from that gross, brown left over snow.   Most people aren't as excited by it as my kids are!  Instead, my kids get to go to the beach, wear shorts year round, don't have to worry about where their mittens may have been lost and Disney is a short drive away.
Perhaps they will end up in therapy when they are older because of having such a difficult childhood or perhaps they will grow up and realize how unbelievable lucky they are to live in paradise!