Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanks. . .

I have recently been put into a position where I have a choice to make, either focus on a lot of negative events happening or focus on the good.  Fortunately for me, I am usually a cup half full kind of girl so I choose to find the good. . .it also helps that it is Thanksgiving so all around me are people expressing gratitude for the blessings in their lives. 

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to do the right thing, life doesn't turn out the way you hope or plan and it's hard.  But truly, I don't want to be unhappy each day and only focus on not being able to manipulate the world to my needs.  So I choose to show gratitude. . .so here we go -

1) I am so thankful to my friends and family. . .they have always been by my side, causing awesome laughter, incredible memories and anticipation for our next adventure.
2) I am thankful for my kids, they bring me so much joy.  The other day my 12 year old son told, out of the blue, that he has a good life!
3) I am thankful for my job. . .it can be stressful, it can be exciting and most days are a mystery as to what will happen.
4) I am thankful to my clients, trusting in me with the biggest purchase/sale of your lives.
5) I am thankful for my home. . .it is my safe haven.
6) I am thankful for my neighborhood. . .Victoria Park is the most amazing community.  My kids have their friends around all the time and the neighbors are truly and extension of my family.
7) I am thankful for the hard times because it reminds me to be thankful during the good times. (like now!)
8) I am thankful for the beaches. . .it's my happiest place on Earth. . .sorry Disney!
9) I am thankful for my health, there have been times when it wasn't the best so I value being strong and healthy now.
10) I am thankful for each person that touches my life in some way,

I know that this is pretty heavy but I felt compelled to share. . .as it says above, not expressing gratitude is like wrapping a present and not giving it.  So. . .this Thanksgiving. . I want to give away my gratitude!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 22, 2013

What a Mess!


When showing real estate, you truly never know what you will see when you walk into a home.  Some days, you are excited because you know the home is beautiful and easy to show.  Other times. . . well . .
A couple days ago, a showing was set up for one of our listings that has a large dog.  As a general practice someone on our team will arrive at the property and walk the dog while the home is being shown just to make it easy on our homeowner and on the potential buyer.  Above and beyond, right?
Well, let me tell you about above and beyond. . .I arrived about 5 minutes prior to the showing, ready to pop in, walk the dog and head back to the office.  Instead, I open the door and my mouth hangs open. . . there is blood all over the floor in the entry.  HORROR!  What is going on???  I slowly enter the house and look around. . .more blood. . .across the beautiful 18” tile on the diagonal, across the stunning hard wood floors throughout the rest of the house (notice the subtle selling there). . .blood, everywhere.  Before you jump to conclusions. . . a horrific crime had not been committed.  Instead, the dog had surgery and the wound popped open after the owners left for work and the dog had spent the day bleeding, everywhere he walked. 
Realizing that I had a mere few minutes before the potential buyer was to arrive, I had 3 options - 
1) clean up the mess
2) call the agent and cancel the showing
3) leave it, knowing that it would ruin the showing.   
Obviously. . .I really only had 1 option.  So I jumped into action.  The dog went out onto the lanai, I grabbed some paper towels and cleaner from under the kitchen sink and I hit the floor ready for my biohazard clean up!  While scrubbing, I did call the owners and let them know that their dog was injured and needed to go to the vet, in case you were wondering! 
There is a very good reason why I am not in the medical field. . .I am so squeamish!   I do not like blood at all so this was so hard for me but it had to be done, there may have been a few gags, but I will save you from those details.  The potential buyers were a little late so I ended up with about 10 minutes to complete the clean up and it was like a scene in a movie. . .racing to finish and hiding all the evidence right as the door bell rang.  I was a hot mess and but I felt victorious that I had managed to get the house cleaned up just in the nick of time! 
Just goes to show. . .you never know what adventure is waiting for you just around the corner!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Movies on the Lawn at Mercato

The other day I received an invite from Mercato inviting us to the Movies on the Lawn.  Usually we do not attend these because the movies are shown on a Tuesday evening. . .school night. . .and when it was light later, the movies wouldn’t start until 8:00.  Since my lovely littlest goes to bed at 8:30, it was impossible for us to make the movies.  But, now that we are back in standard time, the movies begin at 6 end at 8 and we are home before bedtime.  Awesome!

I personally love going to outdoor events. . .movies, music, parties. . .love it.  My little one is so much like me that she is always up for going with me.  But I have a 12 year old and for those of you that have a tween or remember being one. . .let me tell you it is tough!  He is at the age where he is too cool to hang with mom too often, he hates his picture being taken (explains why he looks a little funky above!) and he never wants to participate in events like the movies on the lawn. 

After a little bribery of Yogurbella, I managed to convince my children to hang out with me and off to the movies we go.  It was a perfect night, it wasn’t very busy and the movie was great.   

As I sat there, I just felt so happy.  Happy that I was able to be super mom with the bribery, happy that I live in an area that promotes fun family events such as this and happy that I had a belly full of Yogurbella.  It is definitely that time of year to focus your energy on the good in your life and forget the bad.  I am trying to live in the moment and be thankful for those small moments that make up each day. 

It was definitely a good night that I am thankful for!    

Thursday, November 14, 2013

So Proud of my Mama!!!

I am so unbelievably proud of my mom! I have always joked that she kept all the creative juices for herself in our family and did not pass them down to any of her children or grandchildren!  But. . . she is using her gift for the betterment of Collier County AND her hard work is being recognized by her peers!

My mom was awarded the United Arts Councils Star in the Arts award for 2014!  
Thirty nine nominations were received by the United Arts Council and those nominations were judged by peers within the art community.  It is kind of a "peoples choice award" for collier arts!  Candidates are nominated by their peers, judged by their peers and selected by their peers. 

My mom deserves this so much. . .she has spent her whole life working tirelessly on promoting the arts.  She has worked as the Fine Arts Coordinator for Collier County for the last 10 years, helping build programs for our children to enjoy and making sure the schools have the equipment, instruments and supplies necessary to give our kids a creative outlet.  She has brought together  numerous collaborations in music and art between the schools and non profit arts groups.  This is her life's work and it is awesome that she is being recognized for it.   

Way to go, Mama! 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

House Hunters

I think we all know the show House Hunters. . .and love the show House Hunters.  Really, what is there not to love?  They condense the long house hunting process down to 3 viable options to choose from and fit the whole experience into a 30 minute show.  If only the actual house hunting process was that easy.  In some situations, it can be easy. . .first house, bam, fall in love and done.  But that is definitely the exception not the norm! 

Being in Real Estate, most of my days are like a really long House Hunters show.  I am constantly looking at properties, researching properties and narrowing down the likes and dislikes for my clients.   I guess it’s a really good thing that I like house hunting and probably why I chose it as my profession!

That special HGTV show has been on my mind a lot lately because House Hunters has been in Naples and even closer to home, one of our listings is one of the properties featured on the show!  Such a cool thing to be able to say. . .for me at least!  Yes, our humble listing was one of the 3 narrowed down to be considered as an option for filming. 

The crew came in last week and I forced myself onto the closed set because I really couldn’t resist the draw of being so close to something I love so much.   From the outside, you would never guess that anything extraordinary was happening at this house.  No tv van sitting out front with a big House Hunters or HGTV logo on it, no blocked streets. . .it was all very unassuming.   My arrival was met with mild resistance from the producer but I quickly began complimenting her on how FABULOUS the show is and how my kids and I watch it together . . .all the while yelling at the tv for the home buyer to pick house #2!!!  After over sharing this with her, she warmed up and shared a lot about the show and herself.  She and her camera crew travel 50 weeks a year and see all parts of the country.  Their goal while filming is to keep the audience guessing as to which house the buyers will pick and if she can get people screaming at their tv’s like me then she feels success in doing her job. 

One thing I read once, that was quite disappointing to me was that it is usually the empty house that will be picked because when they film the house, the buyers are usually already in possession of the property and the other 2 options are really just filler.  I can say that in my situation, the buyers did have a contract on a different house before they began filming for the show.  But the buyers did in fact tour our house prior to making their decision so it really was one of the contenders which they considered buying.  Also, my listing is an empty house so the empty one is not always “the one”. 

Either way. . .how ever they set up the show. . .I still love it and I am so excited that I was able to be a part of something so special. 

Thanks HGTV!