Friday, November 22, 2013

What a Mess!


When showing real estate, you truly never know what you will see when you walk into a home.  Some days, you are excited because you know the home is beautiful and easy to show.  Other times. . . well . .
A couple days ago, a showing was set up for one of our listings that has a large dog.  As a general practice someone on our team will arrive at the property and walk the dog while the home is being shown just to make it easy on our homeowner and on the potential buyer.  Above and beyond, right?
Well, let me tell you about above and beyond. . .I arrived about 5 minutes prior to the showing, ready to pop in, walk the dog and head back to the office.  Instead, I open the door and my mouth hangs open. . . there is blood all over the floor in the entry.  HORROR!  What is going on???  I slowly enter the house and look around. . .more blood. . .across the beautiful 18” tile on the diagonal, across the stunning hard wood floors throughout the rest of the house (notice the subtle selling there). . .blood, everywhere.  Before you jump to conclusions. . . a horrific crime had not been committed.  Instead, the dog had surgery and the wound popped open after the owners left for work and the dog had spent the day bleeding, everywhere he walked. 
Realizing that I had a mere few minutes before the potential buyer was to arrive, I had 3 options - 
1) clean up the mess
2) call the agent and cancel the showing
3) leave it, knowing that it would ruin the showing.   
Obviously. . .I really only had 1 option.  So I jumped into action.  The dog went out onto the lanai, I grabbed some paper towels and cleaner from under the kitchen sink and I hit the floor ready for my biohazard clean up!  While scrubbing, I did call the owners and let them know that their dog was injured and needed to go to the vet, in case you were wondering! 
There is a very good reason why I am not in the medical field. . .I am so squeamish!   I do not like blood at all so this was so hard for me but it had to be done, there may have been a few gags, but I will save you from those details.  The potential buyers were a little late so I ended up with about 10 minutes to complete the clean up and it was like a scene in a movie. . .racing to finish and hiding all the evidence right as the door bell rang.  I was a hot mess and but I felt victorious that I had managed to get the house cleaned up just in the nick of time! 
Just goes to show. . .you never know what adventure is waiting for you just around the corner!

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